Structured Water Created By Clayton Clayton's Structured Water Unit SWCBC
Structured Water Created By Clayton Clayton's Structured Water Unit SWCBC
Structured Breathing: There are many folks now using SWCBC Units to energize and neutralize toxins from their daily water intake. Why would a person pursue this? Or, more directly, what benefit does a person receive from breathing through a structuring device?
Glad you asked!
There is a simple principle to all heath that brain neurologists and physiologists know. The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) must be regulating for the brain to control all the functions necessary for human health.
Science has found Brain Wave States occur throughout daily brain function.
As we learn about these patterns and combine them with Structured Breathing, it is very possible to amplify our brain’s potential and performance!
The “structured air” holds a previously unknown element for brain processes, as for the first time in our lives, we receive air that is cleansed and energized as we breathe.
Structured Breathing became the focus of NAT’s researcher Tim Toula in 2012 when he started taking a Structured Water unit on mountain climbs and using it for rock climbing projects. He started realizing an enhanced aerobic capability and recovery time.
This has led to further research about Structured Breathing and Structured Air
Effects as outlined in Tim’s research papers for Natural Action Technologies,
Tim N. Toula - Acupuncturist, Korean Hand Therapist, B.E.S.T., NET
These are GDV test results from 9 breaths of Structured Breathing done with participants at the 2013 Tesla Convention. Notice the before and after changes.
These are quite dramatic shifts for any known therapy! The benefits of structured breathing are immense and when done in combination with 8-16 oz. structured water delivers amazing results for human health.
A question looms in front of everyone who holds a Natural Action Technologies (NAT) Structured Water Unit in their hands.
“Can an NAT structuring device really improve my health?”
People are starting to realize you can use a Handheld SWCBC Water Unit for Structured Breathing.
If you desperately need to relax, a structured breathing routine may be the answer. I carry a couple in my car to breathe while on a road trip.
6 STEPS Structured Breathing
To simplify the structured breathing process, breathe smooth, slow, and deep both in and out…go gently.
Please be sure you have drunk two cups of warm water within 10 minutes of the structured breathing. A second pint within 30 minutes is recommended so as to assist with the detoxification process that occurs with structured breathing.
Clayton currently putting together a New Structured Breathing Kit with the SWCBC Handheld Unit, Instructions for using a Nasal Cannula which allows you to breathe Structured Air while you sleep.
Care: Replace the cannula every day. Nasal cannulas are designed to be disposable and should be replaced every day. This helps prevent the growth of bacteria and ensures that you are always using functional, high quality tubing.
In reality, the physiology of the body changes immediately with the first structured breath! We have seen significant shifts with people in just 1 to 9 structured breaths.
We hear people tell us consistently, “My breathing just got deeper.” “I am feeling way more relaxed.” “My sinuses just opened up.”
In talking about the root cause of pain, we must look at CAUSE & EFFECT.
There is a common denominator for everyone with pain. Most pain in the body is due to lack of oxygen to the cells, followed by dehydration.
So what is the CAUSE?
The fact that we live in a toxic world, we are going to eat, drink, breathe, toxins daily. These toxins are called ‘trapped blood proteins’ that get stuck in the interstitial cells, that shuts the cells down. When cells shut down the Mitochondria turns off.
So with lack of energy to the cell, PAIN starts in. Then without drinking enough good clean water, your body cannot flush these toxins/poisons out of the interstitial fluid, into the lymph system so the body can eliminate them. It takes fluid to move fluid through the body!
One key to resolve unnecessary pain is Structured Breathing, but first, begin by drinking an 8oz glass of Structured Water before you start the breathing sequence.
Then while doing 'The 6 Steps to Structured Breathing', this will help move Lymph fluid through your system, break up the toxins and aid in elimination of these poisons that are causing pain!
Now the fact that these cells have shut down does not mean they are totally dead, the cell just needs to be hydrated & oxygenated again. The Hydration will carry nutrients and energy to the cells to rebuild the damaged Mitochondria.
It’s really this simple folks, all we have to do is do the work! Drink Structured Water! Breathe Structured Air!