Structured Water Created By Clayton Clayton's Structured Water Unit SWCBC
Structured Water Created By Clayton Clayton's Structured Water Unit SWCBC
What are people saying . . .
about Clayton Nolte's 1st Generation Structured Water Unit.
* Testimonials about the New Structured Water Created By Clayton Unit will be added to this page as they become available.
Dear Clayton,
I have been living in a structured water home for several months. Helping in an experimental structured garden, with amazing results. Total immersion in structured water so to speak. But, what I am writing about is, the inner core changes I have experienced. There is a place where words fail because they are not adequate enough. The remnants of what was, are falling away like the rust, and oxidation you spoke of with the water tank. I have experienced that quiet , floating of the center. Remembering my true be-ing. I am grateful for what you have gone through to bring the water element to ALL. There are many more that will come. The water level is rising. lol
Many are speaking, structuring and finding their place. The vibration of this energy is increasing, again. Very exciting indeed..
Thank you, Clayton.
Our daughter had an accident in November of 2012. She has been weak and unable to blow her nose, since then. We are using the portable as breathing instrument for Sandy especially and she is getting stronger with her breathing. Today she was able to “BLOW” when Lee asked her to blow her nose…This was a FIRST since 11-4-12 so the portable unit is undoubtably making a big difference!!! THANK YOU CLAYTON and TIM.
Be blessed,
I have had my unit for about 7 days. I noticed changes from day 1. I had small fatty tumors around my elbow and knee. They have disappeared. Also I had a very dark pigmentation spot on my cheek for many years. This was caused by a dermatologist and the sun. It is almost my skin color now. I love my portable unit. It goes with me wherever I go. I believe it is sacred geometry in liquid form. So grateful to Clayton for inventing this device and making it available to humanity. I look forward to the day when everyone is able to drink this type of structured water.
Almost three years ago we purchased a pH water machine with all the promises and hopes that we have never seen. When I heard about the NAT system I was very skeptical but wondered how so many people could share the testimonials if they really were not seeing a difference and plants just do not lie. I decided to just go ahead and become a distributor for NAT with the fear of getting drawn into the unknown once again but with hope that it would turn out to do all it was said to do. I was encouraged that so many placed a pre-order for me to be able to get my first order together and became a distributor.
As I have a whole house system installed and others now also have theirs installed we are finding we did not have to wait long to know that there is really a difference in this water and that it is really doing the things we were told it would. However it did them so much quicker than we expected. We know some of the most skeptical people on earth and even they praise the NAT system and the benefits they are seeing so quickly. We have not found one testimonial on the NAT site that has not proven to be true and we are all anxious to get started in our yards and gardens to see the fantastic results that have been shared about that whole experience. We truly look forward to many years of helping others by educating them on Clayton’s great products. We are very happy to be a part of the NAW family.
Gary & Bobby Kay Dutton
Thank you so much for giving me some of the DE Structured water the other day. I drank the water and gave my indoor plants a little drink too. About 3 days later I noticed that the leaves had turned a dark vibrant green. Not only had the leaves changed color, but the texture of the leaves had changed as well. The best way I can describe is that they had become turgid; somewhat like a crisp carrot. I knew the plants would benefit from the structured water, however, I was astounded to see these dramatic results in such a short period of time. If this is what the structured water can do for plants, I can only imagine what it can do for me! Naturally I couldn’t wait to purchase one. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Seeing is believing,
I asked my husband to help put a cup of structured water in the radiator bypass. He reluctantly did so and repeatedly told me that this cannot possible have an affect. As I was driving my vehicle two days later into the metro area about 25 miles away, I glanced down at my front panel which has a constant electronic display of the miles per gallon. I called him to say my panel is reading 28.8; which normally would read somewhere between 22-23 on a trip of 20 miles or so. He still would not credit the structured water. Well, I am a believer! I live two miles from my job and typically I see a 16 – 17 MPG during my work week. So far this week, I have been maintaining a 22 MPG. How wonderful is that! As an added note, we installed a whole house DE unit three days ago. I asked my husband today if he noticed anything different with the water while showering. He said, “Yes, my skin is tingling, like it is very clean.” I know there are some many etheric benefits with this “magical” water. I am very excited and so happy to have my body clean from the inside out with structured water! Blessings!
Pat Krings, Minnesota.
Thanks for getting back! I am noticing general improvements in a number of areas relating to water. My wife commented that washing her hair with the structured water greatly improved it’s texture and softness. Cut flowers seem to last a lot longer in structured water. I ran across the use of blue bottles to contain water in the work of Dr.Hew Len, who uses an Hawaiian healing method called Ho’oponopono.
(“Zero Limits”, Joe Vitale) He recommends filling a blue glass bottle (non-metallic cap) with water (even tap water) and allowing it to sit in the sun for an hour, even incandescent light (not fluorescent). He claims blue solar water voids memories replaying problems in the subconscious mind. Using structured water should even be better!
Best regards,
I have been drinking the water for two days from the DE portable unit and it is amazing! The first day I felt like I could not stop drinking it. I drink at least 66 oz in the morning. It felt like 4 oz. It feels like my body is really using the water, rather than just a conduit of in and out. My fussy bladder is very happy. Little wonder that my body seemed to need the old water immediately out of me. Thank you!
Two weeks ago we purchased a whole house structured water unit and a portable structured water device. We also took a chance and had our water softener removed and taken away.
Wow! My wife loves our structured water unit. She does not miss the water softener at all, her hair is soft and so is her skin. Another neat thing is for years she had been fighting with a skin condition on her nose that left the bridge of her nose rough and scaly and she had to use a prescription to make it go away, however now in just two weeks her skin condition has gone back to normal and the rough spot is gone. She has also noticed that her skin is looking more youthful.
I have noticed that my mental clarity and energy is much improved.
I know that it is hard for us to get past some of the paradigms that we have grown up in which makes it difficult to believe that something like this can
really work.
My wife and I are very pleased with this technology and look forward to exploring more ways to using this technology and benefit from it.
Thank you for developing this.
Lin and Mike in Decatur Indiana
Last August ago when I installed Clayton Nolte’s structured water home unit to my property in Arizona, I was fighting an extremely troublesome problem. There is a very beautiful, desirable Texas mountain laurel tree in my yard, but it continually had worms that live in these type trees…and as the owner I was constantly spraying the tree to preserve its beauty and get rid of the aggressive worms. Guess what! Now, months later the tree is in full bloom with no worms!!! Clayton’s information told us that bugs would not be able to tolerate this water…and he is right. So far, I have seen no worms…or the big desert roaches that try to creep inside our houses. I may never need an exterminator again!
Of course, I was already elated about having the whole house unit installed because of the wonderful pure water taste, and feel… when taking a bath or shampooing hair. Also, it was a good thing to be able to disconnect from the reverse osmosis equipment and the soft water system that I had before, because there is no need for them now. My structured water unit also flows into the pipes that supply the water to the plants and garden area around my house, and you should see the crop of fruit that it is producing this spring…pomegranates double in size, lemons almost as large as grapefruit, and the best tasting grapefruit and oranges ever. Also, the fig tree is full of lively, new growth and figs; the roses are fantastic, and the scent around my house is out of this world. The same structured water also flows through my pool, and the water looks and feels so silky. You need to come for a visit so you can experience this in person.
Please pass this along to Clayton Nolte and tell him how much I appreciate his genius for designing this incredible fluid machine.
Lil in Arizona
Thanks so much for sending me the De Portable unit …. I absolutely love it and I’ve been trying to decide how to describe it’s wonderful benefits. Of course the first thing I noticed was the extreme smoothness of the water upon taking the first sip of the water that had passed through the unit. The next thing I noticed about 10 minutes after drinking a glass of this water was that my breathing had somehow changed; it seemed that the air that entered my lungs was more refreshing and slightly cooler, and that the air just flowed into my lungs slightly easier than normal with no restriction. I have no problem breathing but after drinking the water from the DE Portable it just seemed easier to breathe: the air seemed more vital and refreshing and it was suddenly kind of fun just inhaling air into my lungs. I thought this was maybe just my imagination but I have repeated this over and over and I am now certain that this water makes a change in a person’s blood or physiology in such a short period of time that is remarkable.
I called the company and they said that a person could notice the energy from the water in the way that I described and since the water we drink becomes the fluid of our blood and the blood carries oxygen from our lungs to the whole body, this explains the remarkable effects that the Natural Action Water structuring device has had on me. I am totally delighted with the DE Portable device that you sent to me and let me tell you why in particular: as you know there are other companies “trying” to copy the Natural Action Water technology.
I have previously purchased 2 other water “structuring” devices; one that looks very similar to the DE Portable that I bought a year and a half ago and the other unit looks more like a blender that I bought about 10 years ago so you can see I have known about structured water for many years. So when you told me about the Natural Action Water product I initially thought that I was not interested as I already own 2 “similar” units. You seemed very confident when you told me about the Natural Action Water products being the world’s best so you got my curiosity up so I decided, thanks to you, to go ahead and try one of your units even though I thought it was just another water structuring device. One sip of this water and I was convinced that you had steered me down the correct path; and about 10 minutes later when I could breathe easier I knew you were onto something awesome. I had not experienced these results with the 2 other water structuring devices that I have previously owned.
Thank you so much for teaching me about this wonderful product. Every day is a treat just making the most awesome water on the planet …. and thanks to you. The Natural Action Water devices have technology that the other companies do not have. The “secret” is the dual action water vortexing (to the left and right simultaneously) and the secret materials that the water units are made of. I hope everyone will take the initiative to add the DE Portable unit to their life to begin with because once a person realizes the potential that this product can make to their health and happiness they will never want to be without this awesome water and the DE Portable because our bodies are mostly made of water.
I consider the purchase of the DE Portable unit to be the most important purchase a person can make especially with regards to a person’s health and well being. Now I am super interested in someday owning the other products from Natural Action Technologies, Inc: the shower unit, the whole house unit, the garden unit, and any other product this fine company has available now and in the future. Thanks Doc Russ, for making these fine products available to those lucky enough to know you and call you a friend. I will continue to tell others about your great services and products that you recommend and provide to others.
Happy Hydrating, Brian T.
We recently received this story from a young woman.
The young mom with a 10 month old baby was in a safehouse after being beat up, having her cat killed, and all her belongings stolen by her boyfriend (the babies father). The baby who had also been there through the traumatizing event was throwing temper tantrums on a regular basis, and would not make eye contact with anyone. Mom and baby were really struggling with it all and having a difficult time moving forward. They had been in the safehouse for a couple of months.
We sent her a Dynamically Enhanced Portable Unit which she began to use. She began to use it whenever she had a glass of water. The baby was receiving the water through nursing as well as some in her bottle too. Three weeks later she shared this experience with the water.
Three weeks after she started drinking the structured water everything had changed! She said when she started drinking the water it was like she woke up from a sleep of several years. Her mind became clear, and she became happy again. She begun taking an online class. The baby had stopped throwing tantrums and was interacting with people again! We were overjoyed. In addition she mentioned that her friend in the safe-house had also started drinking the structured water at the same time and everything was changing for her as well. Her friend now had her first job in 20 years and was doing extremely well again. She was in so much gratitude for the water unit.
We just had to share this story with you, and the change that is possible with the water.
Natural Action Technologies.
My friend recently had a Dynamically Enhanced House Unit installed in her home. She had an Original House unit before purchasing the new unit. The Dynamically Enhanced Unit has completely restored the inside of her dishwasher, whereas the Original Unit did maybe 30%…… is now white, and mineral free. M.E.
Hello again Clayton. Thank you so much for your work, and the work your still doing.
Here is the BIG thing we have noticed with our five children, after just a couple of weeks of giving structured water to our kids and bathing them in it. My 7 year daughter has been home schooled for 2 years now.
My wife would be in tears many times because my daughter had such a hard time learning to read kindergarten level while my 6 year old son was reading 2 grade level. We would spend time with her, but she found it hard to focus and be interested in reading. It almost seem too good to be true that just in a couple of weeks she would improve SO much, to the point that she was reading words that she had not even been taught, yet with my own eyes and ears I got to see and hear her read stories out of our child craft books like she had been reading just fine all along, and now shows interest in reading to us.
We are very excited and expect to see great things come in to being with our five children. We promise to share the truth about the water and your work with our children, passing on the light you have shined into our lives. God continue to do his work through you, and Bless you. With Love from the Rodriguez Family.
As a result of our discussions concerning every molecule in the universe being in contact
with one another and your suggestion that adding 8 oz. of “structured water” (restructured by one of your devices) to the radiator of the vehicle I drove to the conference and monitored the results.
The car is a 1992 Acura Integra with 219,320 at the time of the addition. The EPA mileage
standard for the car when new is 21 mpg in town; 26 mpg hi-way and 23 mpg composite.
We had recorded mileage since owning the car and found these estimates to be quite accurate for the car with about a 10% differential from summer to winter.
Filling the tank with gas with this model can be repeated quite consistently. Fill until the automatic shutoff stops the filling, then top it off once. At this point a splash of gasoline comes back out.
The car was loaded with three passengers and their luggage and equipment from the conference.
1st tankful 23.8 mpg
2nd tankful 25.7 mpg
3rd tankful 27.1 mpg
4th tankful 34+ mpg (almost all hi-way driving 65 and higher)
5th tankful 32.5 mpg
Explanations: None. The results speak for themselves. Needless to say we are now continuing to use the structured water in the and also monitoring other vehicles.
When I purchased the Structured Water Shower Unit I was delighted to experience what so may other testimonials had shared. Such as my skin was softer and no longer dry, my shower stall & fixtures no longer had deposits and scale, no more chemical smells in the shower water, and it is rejuvenating to be showered with structured water. However, I did not expect to save $1,100 and counting. And, that is the savings AFTER deducting the cost of the Shower Unit. I have lived in my rental for 7 years. Despite using good drain traps, I would have to retain a plumber to come out every 3 months to clear the drain of hair that would get through and catch on whatever was in the drain pipe and stop draining (at $180/visit). After installing the Structured Water Shower Unit about 2 years ago, I have NOT had to have the plumber out once. From what I can tell, the structured water has dissolved whatever built up inside the drain pipe so that there is now nothing for hair to grab onto and just flows right through. Before I always had problems with a slow drain even though it is a new home built 10 years ago. Installing the Shower Unit is the ONLY change made to the shower or the pipes – and thus it is clear that this effect is from the shower unit. I felt confident that purchasing the structured water shower unit was going to be a health investment, but I did not realize that it would also be a wise financial investment. Because I have not had to pay for plumber visits since installation of the shower unit- it has paid for itself many times over . . and continuing. Thank you Clayton – I am very grateful.
Deborah, California
I used the Natural Action Water on my wheat grass . When I purchased the Natural Action Water DE Portable I told myself that I would have to see or experience clear and concrete benefits, so I did a test and used regular tap for one tray and Natural Action Water for the other . Right from the beginning there was a marked difference, and it’s very clear in the finished trays. My 2 grown sons were entirely doubtful. But when they saw the wheat grass trays they wanted to use it at every opportunity! One glance at the trays tells the difference, you do not have to hem and haw and try to figure it out etc. Very amazing!
These pictures were taken in the garden, at the home of Mr. Laphon Puyo’s where his amazing tomatoes are watered with Natural Action Technologies structured water.
He writes:
I am retired close to the city of Pau, in France, and let me inform you about the results I have thanks to Natural Action Structured Water.
The pictures I send you are proving the results I had in my garden.
Baths feel better, pH is stabilized to 7, I don’t have to use pH reducer anymore.
And these tomatoes are out of this world! The one in the top picture is over 2 lbs (1kg) all by itself!
Pau, in France
I took my bio-photonic Garden Unit with me to India (2011) and used it for 5 weeks in Mumbai (“Bombay”), Delhi and Punjab. I can’t believe I risked using it in Mumbai, but I did, filtering and drinking tap water in a very ordinary street-side hotel: didn’t get sick at all! ~ AG (Update: My sister and I used a Portable Water Unit on our trip to India in 2012. Same results: Didn’t get sick.)
In case this reaches Clayton: Many thanks for your absolutely brilliant designs! It is such a relief to have “real” water, anywhere, and to actually feel the difference.
Best wishes, - AG, Phoenix, AZ
I walked in on Clayton’s talk on the energy of water seemingly randomly and within minutes like many others in the room became mesmerized by what this man was sharing about the energy of seemingly simple and everyday water. I became so fascinated that I bought a handheld structured water device within a few hours and immediately began to test and understand the power of these novel devices in the months following in my health practice with many patients.
Like many practitioners of acupuncture, chiropractic, and nutritional/herbal techniques, I have searched the world studying and practicing, good health with many amazing practitioners and patients in depth.
Immediately with the structured water devices, we noticed improved flavor changes to many liquids. More interestingly, all kinds of Chiropractic test points like…ICV, yeast, and allergy points instantly improved without any adjustments, needling, herbs, etc…just a glass of structured water!
Standard applied kinesiology tests, that so many ill patients come up weak on, improved significantly as to start regulating the whole autonomic nervous system – one goal of any health practitioner…again, just from a glass of structured water!
We did other tests. For example, normally, most wines, beers, and colas weaken one. After just one pass thru the device, instantly, we saw these muscle tests improve back to strong and even pulses balanced or went closer to balance!
The clincher was when we tested Coca-Cola on a patient with a recurrent skin rash. Coca-Cola, their favorite drink, placed under their tongue, instantly weakened them and also made pulses even more imbalanced.
But after one pass of the Coca-Cola thru the structured water device and the patient drinking the Coca-Cola, we were startled to find the patient holding significantly stronger than the patient’s baseline test indicated and the pulses closer to balance! Coca-Cola as food? Who would believe it?
When Clayton states in his flyer, “Structured water should be one of the first ”prescriptions” suggested to an individual who is seeking to mitigate a chronic condition”, you can believe it.
I would like to thank Clayton Nolte for developing these structured water devices for everyone’s health…They are simply amazing, powerful, and for a lifetime.
Though taken for granted everyday, there is much to understand about the powerful influence of water. Because simply, water can either empower us or weaken us…
Scientist David Schmidt when asked, ”What are meridians made of?” Meridians are not made of collagen or muscle tissue, they are actually made of water; strings of charged water droplets, actually water molecules with charged ions such as calcium and magnesium. The water molecules line up in these very fine threads, which are charged electrical particles (electrolytes), and these meridians vibrate like a string.
Dr. Shui Yin Lo has shown how water can direct the Qi of the body thru the structured flow of energy in the body.
Dr. Masaru Emoto has shown us so many things about the dynamic power and intelligence of water Even the sages have taught us, that of the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water) the wise men would take the wisdom of water as their sage because in the end water will win, witness the Grand Canyon.
Master Chinese Herbalist Dr. Zhi Chen Guo shares with his herbal students to find the fluid/water blockage when helping patients because he knows this is a key to improving health.
The book, Your Bodies Many Cries for Water…shows us how important the need for enough water is in our bodies…And now, through structured water, we know how important the quality of our water is also.
When you just stop, and start to realize the value of structured water, as most know, our bodies are almost 80 percent water…Now, are we listening?
These structured water devices are helpful to anyone, anywhere, anytime, home or while travelling and are the foundation of a solid healthy life.
As you think of drinking plain water, making smoothies, drinking Coca-Cola, wine, or, beer now, think of instantly and easily, improving naturally the flavor and strengthening simultaneously your internal body energetics through these structured water devices.
Tim N. Toula (2012)
Acupuncturist, Korean Hand Therapist, B.E.S.T., NET Practitioner
I got my unit in this week. LOVE IT!!! The water is lighter and softer…even kind of effervescent! I use less soap in washing maching, dishwasher and in the bathroom. I also already notice a change within me…my skin is looking better…dark spots are lightening up, and it’s only been 4 days! I just can’t thank you enough, Clayton, for your inspired work. The plumber asked about becoming a distributor….do you have that set up?
Many blessings and many thank you’s,
Dot Schaefer in Montgomery
Dear Clayton, I want you to know how grateful I am that you invented Natural Action water units for us all; thank you.
I have bought 3 Natural Action Water units from you. First, a portable unit, then a garden unit and in August my whole house unit. I bought them when I could afford them and expanded their use in my life. Now I have everything I need. Especially, peace of mind.
I carry my portable unit with me and have fun in restaurants and bars pouring water and wine through and comparing before and after with waiters and managers.
People notice the difference immediately, even the color is different.
I was so impressed that I ordered the house unit and the difference there is even more impressive. Most important is my peace of mind and sense of freedom. I am choosing and being responsible for my health, and I feel good.
I read Clayton Nolte’s history and the idea of mimicking nature appealed to me. Nature in all its complexity is also simple. First, I bought the portable unit and I saw the evidence with my own eyes that I would have thought were ‘tall’ stories if I heard them from someone else.
I drank water from my kitchen sink and it was lovely and refreshing. I had a friend visit and I gave us both a glass of water, she is African and she looked at me quizzically, and asked, “Where did you get this water? I haven’t tasted water like this since I was in Africa years ago”.
I was amazed that other people noticed it too.
For 2 years I had small black flies on, and also in the plant pots on my kitchen window. Just 2 days after the first watering with Natural Action water they were gone. Like magic they just vanished. I think the water upgrades the soil and ants, flies and other nuisance insects that need low grade dry soil for habitat just move on.
All my house plants are looking stronger and healthier, my Spider Plant leaves used to break and its little offshoots, shrivelled and died within days of sprouting. Now it has 2 big healthy offshoots and 5 smaller ones, all looking good, and it flowered for the first time.
What looked like a two dying leaves by my garden wall developed a strong stem with 16 flower heads in a week. It flowered from August till October.
Having the food I grow at home nurtured with good water is making a huge difference. My sprouted seeds and beans are stronger and last longer, and my herb garden is strong and tasty. It is January and I’m still taking Parsley, Thyme, Sage and mint!!
I use Natural Action water in my fish tank and don’t add any chemicals because the water is good and clean now.
Since using Natural Action water I feel light and clean inside and my skin is soft and clear. I have a higher energy level and I’m calm and grounded. At last I am confident about drinking water. I just fill my bottle before going out and I relax, knowing I am being powerful and choosing good health now.
I feel good, knowing I have this opportunity to drink healthy water all the time, which is a major factor for health as we humans are 70% water.
Purchasing a water unit is something every person can do for themselves to improve their life. I paid less than £1,000 for my house unit which included shipping, taxes and fitting, this is excellent pricing for a unit which needs no maintenance and has no moving parts, in theory it will last many years and pay for itself many times over.
Money alone can’t buy good health, but my investment in Natural Action Water units is giving me peace of mind, I can feel the difference all the time.
Using Natural Action Technologies Units is something every person can do for themselves to improve their life.
Recently I have started having brown pigmented areas on my face. These look like scabs but they are not scabs. It is brown pigment under the skin.
When I started drinking the structured water they seemed to float to the surface of my skin and peel off and the skin underneath is perfect with no residual sign of blemish.
This leads me to wonder what it is doing inside my body?
Mary Davis
Hi Clayton -
I’m back from India – kinda. Hey, I took my Natural Action Water device to India and tried it out in BOMBAY on ordinary tap water. (I musta been crazy, yeah!?) I drank the structured water and…am alive and well to tell the tale! I won’t do that again – I’ll structure bottled water instead: Bombay tap water probably contains dead bodies and god knows what else. I wasn’t thinking about that – just wanted to see whether “structuring” the water would protect me. You can tell Clayton: a big Yes!
Anthea G
Hi Clayton:
Our new ‘Natural Action Technologies device’ is producing amazing changes in our water! My skin feels soft and lubricated after bathing. I use less shampoo. Less soap is needed for washing the clothes. The new water has rejuvenated our plants. My husband says our water tastes better too; and morning coffee is smooth – no longer bitter. We love the new ‘Natural Action Water device’ and the new life it has produced in our water.
Lileth B. Randall, SLC UT
I tried to call you and I left a message. I’ve been drinking “the water”. Cindi took a bath in it and she came out with a healthy color and glow. Her skin is like silk. I got jealous and took a bath in it too. Unreal! My legs have been itching and I scratch them until they bleed. After that bath – no itch. Our hair is soft and – it’s a real trip! WOW!
After a long week and a shorter weekend, I was just drained on a Sunday. My friend called me and I told him I was really tired of “being tired” all of the time. He said he had something for me to try and brought over some water from the Natural Action Technologies device. I was a complete skeptic, as always.
After drinking about three glasses of this water however, I felt like a new person and so did my wife after she had a couple of glasses. We were both in awe! We had a raw, natural energy that we hadn’t felt in years! We went from exhausted, to feeling 20 years younger, in a matter of an hour!
Now we have a Natural Action Water device of our own. The benefits are
incredible! We both feel better, our skin is like silk. The “itchy leg syndrome” that seemed to be haunting us and the rest of the country when we try to go to sleep is gone. That is worth so much in itself, it’s hard to stress. The bathtub is clean and does not have the standard mold and buildup associated with showers.
We’re not sure how the Natural Action Technologies device does it’s magic, but it IS MAGIC! We wouldn’t go a day without it now…
Brian Z. – Salt Lake City, Utah
Since installing the Home Natural Action Technologies device in my home, there has been a noticeable improvement in several areas. First is the very refreshing smoother taste. Baths and showers are more refreshing and my dry skin condition has improved significantly. Numerous other changes include no lime deposits on the shower heads, cleaner shower walls, and even the commode requires less cleaning. The swamp cooler is much more efficient, cooling faster and running less with similar temperatures as last year. When I went up on the roof to check it out I found the inside of the cooler clean, just like new. Further, after a Garden Natural Action Technologies unit was installed in my lawn sprinkler system, the grass is greener and requires less fertilizer.
Bill C
I have to share with you that my work with the nature spirits has increased ten-fold as a result of using structured water. I’m having a blast!
More later,
Hello Clayton,
After hooking up the under sink unit that I purchased from you, I am convinced that what you say is true. It has empowered me to be at my best 24/7. I run a small electronics company and most days are very challenging.
My wife of 34 years seem to have grown in different directions. I was pretty normal when we got married but she thinks I am crazy now. So I started drinking the water and she has also. WOW, now I stay full of love most of the time, and it appears to have assisted my wife also. At this point in time I would like to spread this around.
I think I may be addicted, I get out of the shower and have to go to the basement and get some structured water. I wake up at nite thirsty, I drink structured water. I love the way I feel. Honestly the water has helped me become a beacon of light 24/7.
We took our Natural Action Portable unit on our trip to Mexico, the main thing is that it was wonderful not to have to worry about lugging 10 days worth of bottled water for 2 people plus doggie down there with us. We stayed at our friends’ beach house where people normally bring their own water or have water delivered. It’s so nice to be self-sufficient with it all, and know we are safe even when washing fruit and veggies and dishes, because when in Mexico, it’s not just about drinking the water. (How many people who go down there are going to wash with bottled water?) The water tasted great and felt as good to drink as being at home. We’ve been back for a week now and never did get Montezuma’s revenge or any indication that the water we structured was anything but totally safe to drink. Thanks Clayton!
Verbal Testimony From Ron Mitchell summarized by Gary Byrons
I am going to start my summary with the most powerful evidence and easiest to duplicate in a matter of days. Ron used Natural Action Water to sprout Mung beans. Side by side, with Reverse Osmosis water vs. Reverse Osmosis Water run through the Natural Action Technologies Unit. His comments to me a week ago were that:
1) more beans sprouted and there was some additional mass to the NAT side.
2) Today he told me that the NAT side sprouts were healthy and abundant, better root structure than the control.
3) Shelf life compared side by side indicated significant improvement lasting long after
the control had become inedible. Ron said EVERY grower is very concerned about shelf life and the NAT clearly made a huge difference in the sprouts shelf life.
You probably guessed how “Pipe” was associated with our NAT Unit.
It turns out that just as Ron received the units from you, one of his clients called distressed that he was losing his plants. Ron took the opportunity to convince this particular grower to do nothing but introduce the NAT. He was met with lots of resistance because this situation looked too severe to leave only to a change in water.
A few days later Ron received a call from this client. The client was celebrating. Not only was the die back stopped, new shoots were showing and he said they were better looking than he had seen before. This grower called the unit the “Pipe” and you could not take it away from him.
Ron watered a lemon tree with the NAT and within a few days it burst into bloom, unlike Ron had ever seen this tree do before.
Ron told me of some plants that had been set aside because they were doing poorly; he watered them with NAT and again within days they showed renewed life.
One of our customers called and relayed the following experience.
He went to visit one of his friends who happened to be a Professional Wine Taster (able to distinguish the age of a wine, etc). He brought a Natural Action Technologies Portable unit with him and decided to show it to his friend. They took 2 oz of young wine and poured it through the Portable unit 12 times and then poured it back into the wine bottle. Then they poured out a glass of wine and his friend, the wine taster, tasted it. Much to his surprise he said it had the taste of a wine aged 10 years or more!
Sorry this took so long to get to you.I mentioned my garden when we spoke last. Last year our garden was absolutely the worst its been in years. This year however I used the structured water filter and WOW what a difference. I have never seen sweet corn that has looked as good as ours did. The cobs were huge! A number of plants got planted late, but they all caught up in growth in record time. The structured water has me sold. We planted some cabbage plants at least a month late and we now have wonderful heads of cabbage, the same with our tomato plants! AMAZING! THANK YOU!
Sally Reed, Boyceville, WI
Since I began with Structured water about two weeks ago, I have sponged off two of my beloved cats, each in her distinct area of chronic irritation (despite vast and creative other approaches – vet, holistic and energetic), one having been treated for over four years.
Both cats showed immediate improvement – in one, general itchiness subsided (after months of this hassle); and in the other, a runny eye lessened (and she was looking at me again for the first time in about two years, instead of turning her head away).
I am continuing to sponge off these two kitties, as well as provide Structured Water for all drinking purposes. Both cats’ conditions are significantly better in just a short time!
Further, all my five cats are getting along better together, noticeably so! They weren’t too raucous, before, but it is very loving and peaceful here now! And also they see more cognitive generally, and more communicative with me.
I feel more positive and motivated to accomplish my daily goals, and I feel my longer term visioning power has increased. My aura feels enhanced and stronger! It seems more positivity is coming into my life, and it’s connected with having Structured Water in and around me!
Thank you!
I have much more wildlife on the property and my wife uses the structured water to fill up the water trays for the birds. Our greenhouse is enjoying the structured water–we have a pond in there as well, and there is no algae. I know the vegetable plants and herbs are really enjoying this new level of coherence.
I think our land (we have 3 acres) has improved its energy level. We have had some issues with neighbors, but all of those conflicts have dissipated and I have manifested what we want with our land….The energy reminds me of the energy I feel when I sit at some of the vortexes in Sedona. I have noticed that I have more energy, and have more availability within myself to observe the mind. I have started 3 very sick patients on your filters, and will let you know how they respond.
I wanted to share with you another benefit of the structured water. I had not said anything previously to anyone because I wanted to give it more time to make sure of the results.
From the time I was 16, I had psoriasis which mainly appeared on the outside of my angles and my elbows. The itching was unbearable and on many occasions I would awake in my sleep scratching to the point of breaking the skin. The way it was explained to me, my condition was such that the new skin cells would die before they reached the epidermis.
My parents took me to the doctor and he wanted to put me on nerve pills which my parents vehemently refused.
Throughout the years I had been to dermatologists and my own physicians; subjected to tar baths, anti-itching cremes with hydrocortisone and even ultra-violet light treatments. The UV treatments are particularly funny since UV rays actually destroys skin cells – something I didn’t find out until later. So much for the intelligence of modern medicine.
Over the years, in doing my own research, I read that psoriasis and excema are auto-immune diseases. While that may be true, it is curious to me that during both of my pregnancies, my skin condition cleared up completely only to return after I gave birth.
Now that would lead me to believe that the condition is more a cause of hormonal imbalance though I did not realize that at the time. Just like the symptoms of heavy menstrual bleeding and growths in the uterus. Unfortunately, it was not until after I had a hysterectomy did I find this out from my current physician, a naturopath, which CIGNA has recently contracted with.
Anyway back to the subject of skin…..I have not had the severe itching over the last 10 years, however, because of the prior damage from scratching, I had lost pigmentation on my ankles and one elbow. I had been told by physicians years ago that I would never regain the pigmentation.
That brings me to current day experience with structured water. It has proven the world of modern medicine to be wrong!
The pigmentation in my skin has slowly been coming back since drinking the structured water. Where there were once pale patches of flesh are now normal skin tone on my one elbow. On my ankles, the pale patches are being replaced with dots of normal skin color that are filling in.
I felt this was important to tell you because it is a hugely significant test of the healing power of structured water.
I also have a very long scar on my right knee from a surgery when I was a teenager. I know that, over the years, scars will lighten. After more than 38 years, the scar had lightened as much as it was going to and it was still significantly noticeable. The skin in the scarred area is also showing signs of blending with normal skin tone. I do not have any significant pain in the knee, just a mild discomfort once in a while.
Aside from the visual reduction of the scar, I no longer have any discomfort in my right knee. I was told by a physician that my knee no longer had the ‘cushioning’ and eventually I would have to have it replaced. I have always told them that I would never have the knee cap replaced; I was born with it; I’ll die with it.
I also have 4 small incision scars on my left knee (two above, two below) from 2 scope surgeries in 1989. Where I recently was able see the scars, three of them have completely disappeared; one is barely noticeable.
I do not know if or how this will fit in with your studies of the effects of structured water, but please feel free to add them as you see fit.
Jacqueline Shepard
Just wanted to drop you a note and bring you up to date on plant growth here. The tomatoes are the big story. The main stalk on all the tomato plants are four to five times larger in diameter. Really weird to view as they seem to have morphed into tomato plants on steroids. All the fruit on these plants is still green, but it has been exceptionally cool, at night, all summer long.
The hot tub water is wild. Feels like rain water; all the time (just like the shower and bath). This has to be due to filling with structured water, having the garden unit on the hot tub and using only one teaspoon of chlorine every two weeks. The chlorine is probably just a mental thing at this point.
As from the start, the only water we’ll drink is from the structuring unit; all other water WILL NOT DO !!! Can’t stand the taste of all bottled water and chlorinated tap water smells and tastes like swimming pool water. Don’t have a pool, but if I did, would have a commercial unit and do away with the chemicals.
The dishes are squeaky spotless, the shower doors are clear and all calcium deposits are…..NON-EXISTANT !!!! Also, no water spots on the cars and trucks when washed.
I will write again with more updates as I glean them.
Thanks For The Understanding,
I wish to thank you for the bottom of my heart.
It arrived in time to – I believe – to help save the life of my cat – Tissie. She is 19 years old and was dying of kidney failure. She started lapping up the water and also taking the monatomic minerals from Ambaya. She is now walking around and active again. I also have felt the difference. The water coming from the taps measures 9,000,000 on the bovis biometer!!!
The first few days I loved drinking and washing my face. My skin is softer.
But the ultimate experience was a bath!!! It was like swimming in liquid love! The water sang. I am sure you know I am not exaggerating. I felt like I was communicating with the water. It was an incredible experience and I was reluctant to let the water out the drain because I was going to miss it!
My husband got in and said the water was so soft he couldn’t feel it! I have started telling all my friends and clients and anyone who will listen. I have just noticed they are no longer on the Ambaya website. Do you suggest another way to order? Again – I thank you so much for this technology. If everyone had one the earth would be a very different place.
All my love and gratitude
The units came today, and I got them hooked up in record time. I ran a pitcher of water from our outside faucet which is city water, but it’s bypassed our water softener. I did notice the chlorine smell in the water, but I really couldn’t taste it which was bizarre. I had my daughter try it and she could smell it but couldn’t taste it either. I can’t wait to take a shower. I will keep in touch and let you know how it all goes. I’ve been talking to everyone I know about these.
Many, Many Thanks,
Dear Clayton, I want you to know how grateful I am that you invented Natural Action water units for us all; thank you.
I have bought 3 Natural Action Water units from you. First, a portable unit, then a garden unit and in August my whole house unit. I bought them when I could afford them and expanded their use in my life. Now I have everything I need. Especially, peace of mind.
I carry my portable unit with me and have fun in restaurants and bars pouring water and wine through and comparing before and after with waiters and managers.
People notice the difference immediately, even the colour is different.
I was so impressed that I ordered the house unit and the difference there is even more impressive. Most important is my peace of mind and sense of freedom. I am choosing and being responsible for my health, and I feel good.
I read Clayton Nolte’s history and the idea of mimicking nature appealed to me. Nature in all its complexity is also simple. First, I bought the portable unit and I saw the evidence with my own eyes that I would have thought were ‘tall’ stories if I heard them from someone else.
I drank water from my kitchen sink and it was lovely and refreshing. I had a friend visit and I gave us both a glass of water, she is African and she looked at me quizzically, and asked, “Where did you get this water? I haven’t tasted water like this since I was in Africa years ago”.
I was amazed that other people noticed it too.
For 2 years I had small black flies on, and also in the plant pots on my kitchen window. Just 2 days after the first watering with Natural Action water they were gone. Like magic they just vanished. I think the water upgrades the soil and ants, flies and other nuisance insects that need low grade dry soil for habitat just move on.
All my house plants are looking stronger and healthier, my Spider Plant leaves used to break and its little offshoots, shrivelled and died within days of sprouting. Now it has 2 big healthy offshoots and 5 smaller ones, all looking good, and it flowered for the first time.
What looked like a two dying leaves by my garden wall developed a strong stem with 16 flower heads in a week. It flowered from August till October.
Having the food I grow at home nurtured with good water is making a huge difference. My sprouted seeds and beans are stronger and last longer, and my herb garden is strong and tasty. It is January and I’m still taking Parsley, Thyme, Sage and mint!!
I use Natural Action water in my fish tank and don’t add any chemicals because the water is good and clean now.
Since using Natural Action water I feel light and clean inside and my skin is soft and clear. I have a higher energy level and I’m calm and grounded. At last I am confident about drinking water. I just fill my bottle before going out and I relax, knowing I am being powerful and choosing good health now.
I feel good, knowing I have this opportunity to drink healthy water all the time, which is a major factor for health as we humans are 70% water.
Purchasing a water unit is something every person can do for themselves to improve their life. I paid less than £1,000 for my house unit which included shipping, taxes and fitting, this is excellent pricing for a unit which needs no maintenance and has no moving parts, in theory it will last many years and pay for itself many times over.
Money alone can’t buy good health, but my investment in Natural Action Water units is giving me peace of mind, I can feel the difference all the time.
Using Natural Action Water Units is something every person can do for themselves to improve their life."
I got sick in the middle of October. I had a rib-splitting cough that prevented me from sleeping. I had done all the things we’re all supposed to do. I had had my flu shot and a pneumonia vaccine, so none of this should have been happening, but there it was. In two days, the cough had changed. I sounded like a bull moose when I coughed—heavy, deep and very scary.
I went to urgent care. They took an X-ray. Said there was nothing in my lungs and sent me out with a Z-Pac. You take ZPac every day for five days, but the drug keeps working for another ten days. On day 12, I was in an emergency meeting with my own doctor.
“You’ve got a sinus infection. ZPacs don’t work on sinus infections. They should have known that. You need a different antibiotic—a stronger one”. And they put me on 10 days of Augmentin, a broad-based antibiotic, combined with prescriptions of Flonase, an expensive inhaler, and Codeine cough medicine.
Augmentin is hard to take because it’s very hard on your digestive track—especially at 1,700 units a day. It kills all the good bugs in your body, so from the very beginning, I was taking a very strong probiotic, just to try to keep my body stable and balanced.
I got sick in the middle of October. I had a rib-splitting cough that prevented me from sleeping. I had done all the things we’re all supposed to do. I had had my flu shot and a pneumonia vaccine, so none of this should have been happening, but there it was. In two days, the cough had changed. I sounded like a bull moose when I coughed—heavy, deep and very scary.
I went to urgent care. They took an X-ray. Said there was nothing in my lungs and sent me out with a Z-Pac. You take ZPac every day for five days, but the drug keeps working for another ten days. On day 12, I was in an emergency meeting with my own doctor.
“You’ve got a sinus infection. ZPacs don’t work on sinus infections. They should have known that. You need a different antibiotic—a stronger one”. And they put me on 10 days of Augmentin, a broad-based antibiotic, combined with prescriptions of Flonase, an expensive inhaler, and Codeine cough medicine.
Augmentin is hard to take because it’s very hard on your digestive track—especially at 1,700 units a day. It kills all the good bugs in your body, so from the very beginning, I was taking a very strong probiotic, just to try to keep my body stable and balanced.
But after the ten days, I was still coughing a lot, so I went back. This time they put me on a third antibiotic as well as Prednisone. Initially, the Prednisone made me feel better, but when I tried to come off it, my resting heart rate went up to 160 beats a minute and it stayed that high for four days. And I was still coughing. By now, I had been coughing for four and a half months.
During that high heart rate scare was when I really got serious about drinking the structured water. I drank tons of it, and I came out of the whole experience without doing injury to my heart. Then I read about using the device to structure air.
I put a small fan behind my device, closed the bedroom door, and kept the fan on for the entire night. When I woke up the next morning, my chest felt very strange…open, expanded, better. I actually could breathe. I still had a bit of a cough, but it was slight.
Since then I have used the device to structure the air where I am in my house 24 hours a day. I have graduated to inhaling directly from the portable. I have not been back to the doctor since my last round of antibiotics. I feel at peace. I feel creative and I feel energized.
Thank you for introducing me to this technology. What a Godsend!!
Mary P., Minneapolis, MN 2017
I have much more wildlife on the property and my wife uses the structured water to fill up the water trays for the birds. Our greenhouse is enjoying the structured water–we have a pond in there as well, and there is no algae. I know the vegetable plants and herbs are really enjoying this new level of coherence.
I think our land (we have 3 acres) has improved its energy level. We have had some issues with neighbors, but all of those conflicts have dissipated and I have manifested what we want with our land….The energy reminds me of the energy I feel when I sit at some of the vortexes in Sedona. I have noticed that I have more energy, and have more availability within myself to observe the mind. I have started 3 very sick patients on your filters, and will let you know how they respond.
I wanted to share with you another benefit of the structured water. I had not said anything previously to anyone because I wanted to give it more time to make sure of the results.
From the time I was 16, I had psoriasis which mainly appeared on the outside of my ankles and my elbows. The itching was unbearable and on many occasions I would awake in my sleep scratching to the point of breaking the skin. The way it was explained to me, my condition was such that the new skin cells would die before they reached the epidermis.
My parents took me to the doctor and he wanted to put me on nerve pills which my parents vehemently refused.
Throughout the years I had been to dermatologists and my own physicians; subjected to tar baths, anti-itching cremes with hydrocortisone and even ultra-violet light treatments. The UV treatments are particularly funny since UV rays actually destroys skin cells – something I didn’t find out until later. So much for the intelligence of modern medicine.
Over the years, in doing my own research, I read that psoriasis and excema are auto-immune diseases. While that may be true, it is curious to me that during both of my pregnancies, my skin condition cleared up completely only to return after I gave birth.
Now that would lead me to believe that the condition is more a cause of hormonal imbalance though I did not realize that at the time. Just like the symptoms of heavy menstrual bleeding and growths in the uterus. Unfortunately, it was not until after I had a hysterectomy did I find this out from my current physician, a naturopath, which CIGNA has recently contracted with.
Anyway back to the subject of skin…..I have not had the severe itching over the last 10 years, however, because of the prior damage from scratching, I had lost pigmentation on my ankles and one elbow. I had been told by physicians years ago that I would never regain the pigmentation.
That brings me to current day experience with structured water. It has proven the world of modern medicine to be wrong!
The pigmentation in my skin has slowly been coming back since drinking the structured water. Where there were once pale patches of flesh are now normal skin tone on my one elbow. On my ankles, the pale patches are being replaced with dots of normal skin color that are filling in.
I felt this was important to tell you because it is a hugely significant test of the healing power of structured water.
I also have a very long scar on my right knee from a surgery when I was a teenager. I know that, over the years, scars will lighten. After more than 38 years, the scar had lightened as much as it was going to and it was still significantly noticeable. The skin in the scarred area is also showing signs of blending with normal skin tone. I do not have any significant pain in the knee, just a mild discomfort once in a while.
Aside from the visual reduction of the scar, I no longer have any discomfort in my right knee. I was told by a physician that my knee no longer had the ‘cushioning’ and eventually I would have to have it replaced. I have always told them that I would never have the knee cap replaced; I was born with it; I’ll die with it.
I also have 4 small incision scars on my left knee (two above, two below) from 2 scope surgeries in 1989. Where I recently was able see the scars, three of them have completely disappeared; one is barely noticeable.
I do not know if or how this will fit in with your studies of the effects of structured water, but please feel free to add them as you see fit.
Jacqueline Shepard
Your contribution to humanity is what I need to acknowledge and be grateful to God for having made possible to be in contact with you.
I have been using your water portable unit to prepare different kinds of essences. Two of the most extraordinary experiences happened recently.
First, I was at a beach and with a bottle I had with structured water from the portable unit. I knew an essence was going to be prepared when a big wave, unusual at the shore, hit my hand! Three times it happened. I opened the top of the bottle and foam entered the bottle like being pulled from the inside. The energy contained in that mix has the property of "paying attention". People who have experienced the mist of such essence immediately report that awareness and insights. Thus, I have been able to help those who come with emotional disturbances. Particularly with those essences prepared at the sea.
Second, Recently, in a trip to the highest mountains of Peru I even prepared a remedy, with my own nose fluids, when I had a rhinitis attack. It worked in 5 minutes!
I have prepared other water river essences as well.
That is why I am writing to you.
First, Would you let me know what type of healing work others are doing with such water units?
Second, have you noticed changes in the environment where you use the structured water quite similar to those experienced in natural untouched environments? My garden is a testimony of such effects!
In the mountains, I was at the source of spring un-polluted water; the taste of the structured water was quite similar to the one of such un-contaminated source. But not only that, the energy was the same!
You have brought to humanity, the original water that nature intended for us to have.
In deep gratitude,
We took our Structured Water Portable unit on our trip to Mexico, the main thing is that it was wonderful not to have to worry about lugging 10 days worth of bottled water for 2 people plus doggie down there with us.
We stayed at our friends’ beach house where people normally bring their own water or have water delivered.
It’s so nice to be self-sufficient with it all, and know we are safe even when washing fruit and veggies and dishes, because when in Mexico, it’s not just about drinking the water. (How many people who go down there are going to wash with bottled water?)
The Structured Water tasted great and felt as good to drink as being at home.
We’ve been back for a week now and never did get Montezuma’s revenge or any indication that the water we structured was anything but totally safe to drink.
In July of 2016, I was experiencing a great loss of physical energy from an illness. I felt like my legs were getting weaker and I lost about one-third of my physical energy and 35 pounds. I felt like I was on that slippery slope, but I wanted to continue to work.
I decided to set up a website to sell structured water devices. I had been drinking structured water for 20 years using another company’s device, and everyone said I had the best tasting water around.
So I thought I am good to go in the water department.But I soon discovered that not all structured water is the same as Clayton Nolte’s structured water from Natural Actions Technologies.
When the portable unit arrived in the afternoon of July 6, I drank about four glasses before going to bed. When I awoke in the morning and walked to the bathroom the first thing I noticed was the strength returning to my legs!
Well, with that encouragement I started drinking as much of the water as I could, and within four days all the strength returned to my legs!The thing that really amazed me was
I noticed a feeling like the water was balancing the left and right hemispheres of my brain.
Not only was it balancing the hemispheres of my brain, but I also started to notice that I was thinking differently.
I noticed the sharp edges of my personality were mellowing out at a very rapid rate—actually within days! I started to notice that I was thinking differently than I had been for the last 68 years of my life!
Wowie zowie!! This was it… The Holy Grail! I called Clayton, and he confirmed that the water had indeed been balancing the hemispheres of my brain and he got a big laugh when I told him I had been trying to raise people’s consciousness for forty-six years and he did it with four glasses of water!
I can honestly say that not only has Clayton Nolte’s technology extended my life, but he and Tim Toula have also improved the quality of my life to such a degree that I have never felt better.
As a result of drinking N.A.T. water, I am more creative and alive than I have ever been in 68 years! And that is the greatest gift you could ever give anyone.That is why I decided to become an authorized distributor for Natural Action Technologies.
Thank you, Clayton Nolte.This technology can reverse serious illness by simply rehydrating the body so anyone with a serious illness should have a portable unit to drink and bathe in the structured water, backed by good nutrition.
If you want to prevent a serious illness, then drink and bathe in the structured water to balance your energy and keep your immune system healthy by properly hydrating every cell in your body.
Speaking as a professional Psychotherapist with 35 years of experience practicing Medical Hypno-Analysis, I was blown away by the brilliant program created by Tim Toula’s research, when he connected the dots of ancient science combining information from multiple disciplines to create the S.A.V.E. program, which Mind Magic is based on, word for word.
This is without a doubt, is the most creative and innovative program on the planet today. So if you can, take the workshop. When you are finished, you will have the most powerful tools for life, which make it possible to correct any problem you will encounter.
That is the reason I am a distributor for Natural Action Technologies. It’s Mind Magic , and Mind Magic Works!
P.S. When I put the structured water in my Prius my gas mileage went from 44 mpg to 50 mpg! That alone paid for the unit with the money I saved on gas.
Michael Kelly
"I’ve never been so excited to shower now that we have this unit in our shower. The cats are loving the water already and my skin is feeling great."
Missy Norgan Las Vegas
" Hi – I’m back from India – kinda. Hey, I took my Structured Water device to India and tried it out in BOMBAY on ordinary tap water. (I musta been crazy, yeah!?) I drank the structured water and…am alive and well to tell the tale! I won’t do that again – I’ll structure bottled water instead: Bombay tap water probably contains dead bodies and god knows what else. I wasn’t thinking about that – just wanted to see whether “structuring” the water would protect me. You can tell: a big Yes! "
Anthea G
"Last year our garden was absolutely the worst its been in years. This year however I used the structured water filter and WOW what a difference."
Sally ReedBoyceville, WI
" Our new ‘Structured Water device’ is producing amazing changes in our water! My skin feels soft and lubricated after bathing. I use less shampoo. Less soap is needed for washing the clothes. The new water has rejuvenated our plants. My husband says our water tastes better too; and morning coffee is smooth – no longer bitter. We love the new ‘Structured Water device’ and the new life it has produced in our water."
Lileth B. Randall, SLC UT
With all the conflict that is going on in this country, the most important thing that should be on everyone’s mine is the genetic collapse within all our bodies, due to the lack of hydration and mineralization. Should there be a major disaster, grid going down, electricity shut down. The fact remains that we all need to stay hydrated and be able to grow food. Those of you who have a well on your property (if not, you may consider putting one in) can attache one of our DE structured garden units to your well head hand pump. This will give you sustainable, non toxic structured water to use and also continue to hydrate your garden.
Stay Safe & Healthy,
How much do I love your water? Because I don’t have the under the sink unit (apt. complex won’t allow it), I get a lot of exercise! Why? I trek back and forth from the shower (which has the blue ball unit on it) to get water for, like, EVERYTHING: cooking water, tea water, boiling water, water for coffee, water for my cat’s fountain, water for the 2 (yep, 2 ) humidifiers in 2 different rooms. That is off the top of my head.Dedication? No. Just smarts. I know great water, so schlepping back and forth is totally worth it!
S. Lewis
We sent her a Portable Structured Water Unit which she began to use. She began to use it whenever she had a glass of water. The baby was receiving the water through nursing as well as some in her bottle too.
Three weeks later she shared this...
What are people saying . . .
about Clayton Nolte's 1st Generation Structured Water Unit.
Discover The Uniqueness of Highly Energized Structured Water
* Testimonials about the Structured Water Created By Clayton will be added to this page as they become available.
With Structured Water I think our land (we have 3 acres) has improved its energy level.
We have had some issues with neighbors, but all of those conflicts have dissipated and I have manifested what we want with our land….
The Magic of Structured Water in Northwest Montana...
Living on the edge of wilderness Northwest Montana even the elusive wolf will come by to visit, head straight to the structured water trough as soon as he comes in...