Clayton’s Blog

“When one understands our innate life blood and Structured Water are one and the same; the truth of Nature, we then know we are standing in the doorway to fulfill our Destiny. We are in the Grace of Receivership.”

– Clayton Nolte

10 Practical Ways You Can Use Structured Water

10 Practical Ways You Can Use Structured Water

1. Use it to hydrate the body, make tea or fruit juice, or cook. 2. Shower with structured water to energetically neutralize chlorine/ fluoride contamination. 3. Soak fruits and vegetables in structured water to remove negative energies and to revitalize their life...

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Structured Breathing and Pain Management

Structured Breathing and Pain Management

Pain Relief In talking about the root cause of pain, we must look at CAUSE & EFFECT. There is a common denominator for everyone with pain. Most pain in the body is due to lack of oxygen to the cells, followed by dehydration. So what is the CAUSE? The fact that we...

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I LOVE Structured Water!

I LOVE Structured Water!

I got my unit in this week. LOVE IT!!!  Love drinking Structured Water. It has changed my life. The water is lighter and softer…even kind of effervescent! I have so much energy, as this water goes directly into the cells. I love, love, love my water unit!! In fact, I...

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Keep your vibration High, you attract what you believe.

Keep your vibration High, you attract what you believe.

The First Day of Summer, Longest Day of the Year! Stay Hydrated out there today!  Drink Structured Water Manifest the life you desire: Step 1: Get Clear on What You Want. ... Step 2: Uncover Your Why. ... Step 3: Ask For It. ... Step 4: Trust & Believe. ... Step...

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