Structured Water Research

Structured Water Research and Learning Center

The research reported here extends back to Clayton’s 1st generation units, which were mostly sold and researched by his former company, Natural Action Technologies. Take your time, look around, download the scientific reports and studies and learn all there is to know about Structured Water. If you have any questions contact us and Clayton will be happy to answer any questions.

All New Structured Water Devices

The Nature-mimicking, optimizing water structuring method, emerged from Clayton’s recent research and experience. The importance of this structuring accomplishment is underscored by findings in medical research. Namely, results that indicate the health status of organisms, directly mirrors the quality of the water inside and surrounding the cells. Specifically, the degree to which the water molecules are organized into symmetrical crystalline structures (coherence) and the amount of energy the water holds.

By maximizing energy production, water the structuring devices created By Clayton Nolte produce highly energized Structured Water. Thus, water’s potential biological worthiness is fulfilled, and it becomes fulfilling for all life.

Drinking Structured Water is Highly Energizing, Naturally.

Years after leaving Natural Action Technologies (the company Clayton founded and passionately grew for 10 years) Clayton has put his retirement aside to bring forth a new and improved highly energized water structuring technology.

“This discovery is too good to just keep it to myself and not share this new technology with as many people and animals as I can reach. SWCBC Technology is All Natural, No Electricity, No Magnets, No Processing other than to pour water through the unit. Experience Water as Mother Nature intended. As close to source as you can get. Fresh, pure, and deliciously hydrating for your body. I guarantee if you are alive, you will feel the difference.

Clayton Nolte, Co-Developer, SWCBC Water Structuring Unit

Structured Water Benefits

The Water Structuring Process

Clayton Nolte’s Water

The flow and counter flows of balanced left and right rotating fields, create an environment of dynamic shear and pressure differentials that turns water into a machine. 

“I Am Here to Serve Nature and People with Joy, Gratitude and Respect.”

At SWCBC, the Water Structuring Units use Nature’s own processes (Biomimetrics) to refresh water and restore water’s innate life giving energies, properties and full potential.

This technology is completely Nature-driven and truly maintenance-free.  We work closely with our clients to understand their needs and develop solutions that are tailored to their unique challenges. Our approach is transparent, results-driven, and designed to help people succeed.