Enjoy The Benefits of Structured Water
- Fresh tasting water
- High in Hydrogen
- High in Oxygen
- Ion free
- Biologically free – in nature always has good bacteria
- Memory free – unless programmed
- Anti aging health benefits
- Increases mineral, medication or any other supplement absorption
- Less soap necessary when washing
- Hair & skin rinses cleaner and feels better when washed
- Increases longevity of all systems that use water
- Reduces corrosion & deposits in pipes
- Removes existing calcium and aragonite deposits
- Healthier gardens & household plants
- Healthier farm livestock, domestic pets & fish
- Improved growth of crops with increased biomass
- Eliminates polluting salts, chemicals or corrosive byproducts
- Solvency of the water increases profits from sales of coffee & juice
Why Is This important?
Because YOU are probably 80 percent water. As we age that percentage of water drops. If you are drinking structured water, it will all be the same.
More Benefits
- Invigorating energizing water
- Low surface tension, less than 46 dynes per cubic centimeter
- Greater density
- Wonderful showers & baths – no chlorine smell
- No more dry itchy skin
- No effects from sunburns
- Bumps and bruises become less swollen when structured water is applied.
- Nails Improve and become less brittle
- Increases Endurance and Energy Improves
- Healthier gardens & household plants
- Healthier plant growth – green lawns – lower freezing point
- Healthier farm livestock, domestic pets & fish
- Improved growth of crops with increased biomass (27% to 40%)
- Reduces chlorine requirements for spas & swimming pools
- Reduces corrosion & deposits in pipes
- Reduces odors around water use facilities
- Cleaner Pipes in Homes and Businesses, Wells, and Cars
- Solvency of the water increases profits from sales of coffee & juice
- Structured water is loaded with negative hydrogen ions ie. “Hydrogen is the fuel of life.”
- Structured water increases minerals, medications or any other supplement absorption.
- Assists in the release of healthful vitamins & minerals to all life
- Structured water contributes to the solution & well-being of all
- Structured water is the ultimate food
- Save money on less water use
- Structured water is the Greatest medicine
Structured Water Testimonials
What are people saying . . .
about Clayton Nolte’s 1st Generation Structured Water Unit.
* Testimonials about the New Structured Water Created By Clayton Unit will be added to this page as they become available.
“We Are So Grateful”
Our daughter had an accident in November of 2012. She has been weak and unable to blow her nose, since then. We are using the portable as breathing instrument for Sandy especially and she is getting stronger with her breathing. Today she was able to “BLOW” when Lee asked her to blow her nose…This was a FIRST since 11-4-12 so the portable unit is undoubtably making a big difference!!! THANK YOU CLAYTON and TIM.
Be blessed,
“Total Immersion in Structured Water”
Dear Clayton,
I have been living in a structured water home for several months. Helping in an experimental structured garden, with amazing results. Total immersion in structured water so to speak. But, what I am writing about is, the inner core changes I have experienced. There is a place where words fail because they are not adequate enough. The remnants of what was, are falling away like the rust, and oxidation you spoke of with the water tank. I have experienced that quiet , floating of the center. Remembering my true be-ing. I am grateful for what you have gone through to bring the water element to ALL. There are many more that will come. The water level is rising. lol
Many are speaking, structuring and finding their place. The vibration of this energy is increasing, again. Very exciting indeed..
Thank you, Clayton.
“I Love My Portable Unit”
I have had my unit for about 7 days. I noticed changes from day 1. I had small fatty tumors around my elbow and knee. They have disappeared. Also I had a very dark pigmentation spot on my cheek for many years. This was caused by a dermatologist and the sun. It is almost my skin color now. I love my portable unit. It goes with me wherever I go. I believe it is sacred geometry in liquid form. So grateful to Clayton for inventing this device and making it available to humanity. I look forward to the day when everyone is able to drink this type of structured water.
“A Company I Can Stand Behind”
Almost three years ago we purchased a pH water machine with all the promises and hopes that we have never seen. When I heard about the NAT system I was very skeptical but wondered how so many people could share the testimonials if they really were not seeing a difference and plants just do not lie. I decided to just go ahead and become a distributor for NAT with the fear of getting drawn into the unknown once again but with hope that it would turn out to do all it was said to do. I was encouraged that so many placed a pre-order for me to be able to get my first order together and became a distributor.
As I have a whole house system installed and others now also have theirs installed we are finding we did not have to wait long to know that there is really a difference in this water and that it is really doing the things we were told it would. However it did them so much quicker than we expected. We know some of the most skeptical people on earth and even they praise the NAT system and the benefits they are seeing so quickly. We have not found one testimonial on the NAT site that has not proven to be true and we are all anxious to get started in our yards and gardens to see the fantastic results that have been shared about that whole experience. We truly look forward to many years of helping others by educating them on Clayton’s great products. We are very happy to be a part of the NAW family.
Gary & Bobby Kay Dutton
“Dramatic Results With My Plants!”
Thank you so much for giving me some of the DE Structured water the other day. I drank the water and gave my indoor plants a little drink too. About 3 days later I noticed that the leaves had turned a dark vibrant green. Not only had the leaves changed color, but the texture of the leaves had changed as well. The best way I can describe is that they had become turgid; somewhat like a crisp carrot. I knew the plants would benefit from the structured water, however, I was astounded to see these dramatic results in such a short period of time. If this is what the structured water can do for plants, I can only imagine what it can do for me! Naturally I couldn’t wait to purchase one. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Seeing is believing,
“Noticed Improvements!”
Thanks for getting back! I am noticing general improvements in a number of areas relating to water. My wife commented that washing her hair with the structured water greatly improved it’s texture and softness. Cut flowers seem to last a lot longer in structured water. I ran across the use of blue bottles to contain water in the work of Dr.Hew Len, who uses an Hawaiian healing method called Ho’oponopono.
(“Zero Limits”, Joe Vitale) He recommends filling a blue glass bottle (non-metallic cap) with water (even tap water) and allowing it to sit in the sun for an hour, even incandescent light (not fluorescent). He claims blue solar water voids memories replaying problems in the subconscious mind. Using structured water should even be better!
Best regards,
“Loving the Water!”
I have been drinking the water for two days from the DE portable unit and it is amazing! The first day I felt like I could not stop drinking it. I drink at least 66 oz in the morning. It felt like 4 oz. It feels like my body is really using the water, rather than just a conduit of in and out. My fussy bladder is very happy. Little wonder that my body seemed to need the old water immediately out of me. Thank you!
“Loving the Water!”
I have been drinking the water for two days from the DE portable unit and it is amazing! The first day I felt like I could not stop drinking it. I drink at least 66 oz in the morning. It felt like 4 oz. It feels like my body is really using the water, rather than just a conduit of in and out. My fussy bladder is very happy. Little wonder that my body seemed to need the old water immediately out of me. Thank you!
“Skin Condition Has Improved and Skin Is Soft”
Two weeks ago we purchased a whole house structured water unit and a portable structured water device. We also took a chance and had our water softener removed and taken away.
Wow! My wife loves our structured water unit. She does not miss the water softener at all, her hair is soft and so is her skin. Another neat thing is for years she had been fighting with a skin condition on her nose that left the bridge of her nose rough and scaly and she had to use a prescription to make it go away, however now in just two weeks her skin condition has gone back to normal and the rough spot is gone. She has also noticed that her skin is looking more youthful.
I have noticed that my mental clarity and energy is much improved.
I know that it is hard for us to get past some of the paradigms that we have grown up in which makes it difficult to believe that something like this can
really work.
My wife and I are very pleased with this technology and look forward to exploring more ways to using this technology and benefit from it.
Thank you for developing this.
Lin and Mike in Decatur Indiana
“No More Bugs on My Trees . . . And Amazing Taste!”
Last August ago when I installed Clayton Nolte’s structured water home unit to my property in Arizona, I was fighting an extremely troublesome problem. There is a very beautiful, desirable Texas mountain laurel tree in my yard, but it continually had worms that live in these type trees…and as the owner I was constantly spraying the tree to preserve its beauty and get rid of the aggressive worms. Guess what! Now, months later the tree is in full bloom with no worms!!! Clayton’s information told us that bugs would not be able to tolerate this water…and he is right. So far, I have seen no worms…or the big desert roaches that try to creep inside our houses. I may never need an exterminator again!
Of course, I was already elated about having the whole house unit installed because of the wonderful pure water taste, and feel… when taking a bath or shampooing hair. Also, it was a good thing to be able to disconnect from the reverse osmosis equipment and the soft water system that I had before, because there is no need for them now. My structured water unit also flows into the pipes that supply the water to the plants and garden area around my house, and you should see the crop of fruit that it is producing this spring…pomegranates double in size, lemons almost as large as grapefruit, and the best tasting grapefruit and oranges ever. Also, the fig tree is full of lively, new growth and figs; the roses are fantastic, and the scent around my house is out of this world. The same structured water also flows through my pool, and the water looks and feels so silky. You need to come for a visit so you can experience this in person.
Please pass this along to Clayton Nolte and tell him how much I appreciate his genius for designing this incredible fluid machine.
Lil in Arizona
“The Dishwasher Is Clean!”
My friend recently had a Dynamically Enhanced House Unit installed in her home. She had an Original House unit before purchasing the new unit. The Dynamically Enhanced Unit has completely restored the inside of her dishwasher, whereas the Original Unit did maybe 30%……..it is now white, and mineral free.
“Our Daughters Reading and Learning Ability Has
Drastically Improved!”
Hello again Clayton. Thank you so much for your work, and the work your still doing.
Here is the BIG thing we have noticed with our five children, after just a couple of weeks of giving structured water to our kids and bathing them in it. My 7 year daughter has been home schooled for 2 years now.
My wife would be in tears many times because my daughter had such a hard time learning to read kindergarten level while my 6 year old son was reading 2 grade level. We would spend time with her, but she found it hard to focus and be interested in reading. It almost seem too good to be true that just in a couple of weeks she would improve SO much, to the point that she was reading words that she had not even been taught, yet with my own eyes and ears I got to see and hear her read stories out of our child craft books like she had been reading just fine all along, and now shows interest in reading to us.
We are very excited and expect to see great things come in to being with our five children. We promise to share the truth about the water and your work with our children, passing on the light you have shined into our lives. God continue to do his work through you, and Bless you.
With Love from the Rodriguez Family.