Protection From EMF’s

Daily exposure to EMF's

Electromagnetic fields (EMF) are created by electricity as it travels or is used in our electronic devices. This also includes cellphone towers, microwave towers and power lines. Environmental exposure to man-made electromagnetic fields has been steadily increasing, as has the demand for electricity and advancing technologies.

Question: Does the water protect from EMF,  EM, WiFi, cellphones, etc.?

Answer: The Structured Structured Water Unit contains L-8 Transceiver Technology that was specifically developed to remediate EMF. Drinking and using Structured Water generated by the Vibrancy Water unit, will aid you in healing from EMF and provide a natural way for your body to be more resilient during exposure to EMF; so you will not be at the effect of the adversity of those things.

The Vibrancy Water Guide, which is included with purchase, teaches specialized EMF remediation techniques by which you can transform the electromagnetic fields generated by your cell phone, and other EMF emitters. Essentially, making their fields safe and providing a way to create a natural electromagnetic environment around your body and throughout your home, office, car, hotel room and so on. Your body will thus be better connected to the vitalizing, EMF-protective frequencies of Earth’s natural electromagnetic frequencies, moment to moment – as they happen.

L-8 (Elate) Transceiver Technology

L-8 (Elate) Transceiver Technology was developed to support the body’s natural electromagnetic needs with a means of:

  1. naturally deterring the body’s attraction, absorption, and accumulation of EMF and
  2. reconfiguring EMF emitters so that their fields draw the natural frequencies of Earth’s electromagnetic field – in the moment, as they happen.