Garden Universal Unit

Garden Universal Unit

Available in 3 sizes – our hose connectors are perfect for any garden project.


SKU: SWC-GRDN Category:

Introducing the Garden Universal Unit, now available in three sizes for all your landscaping needs. These versatile cylinders with Hose Connectors are perfect for any garden project.

Structured water is most efficient when consumed as close to its source as possible. It possesses the ability to retain the vibrations of its immediate environment. While it can be stored in large containers for dispensing through a water unit, it is most enjoyable when consumed immediately after being processed by the SWCBC Water Unit.

The SWCBC Garden Structured Water Unit fulfills all these requirements. It can be easily connected to a hose bib, garden hose faucet for temporary use. One end of the unit is designed to quickly attach to a gardening faucet outlet, which is the preferred method for filling a container with drinking water. It is important to remember that structured water has memory, so its effectiveness may slightly diminish if stored for a period of time or in a plastic jug.

On the other end of the unit, there is a fitting for attaching a garden hose with a sprayer, which connects to the Garden Structured Water Unit. If the water is being used to fill containers for drinking, the unit should be directly attached to the outlet faucet to avoid any taste from the rubber hose being transferred to the structured water. However, this will not affect the watering of the garden, as the structured water will maintain its alkalinity, micro clustering, oxygen retention, and reduced surface tension. It will also help break down compacted soil and leach harmful salts deeper into the ground, resulting in healthier plants and reduced standing water.

Over time, your garden will require less watering, anywhere from 10-50%, depending on the specific soil conditions. The unit can be easily moved from one garden outlet to another and is also suitable for RV hookups, allowing you to have Structured Water at your desired location while traveling across the country.

Every Structured Water Unit is engineered to be durable, reliable and long lasting.  Every installable unit is engineered for simple installation using standard plumbing parts

We are tremendously pleased with the features, dynamics and performance of the new Structured Water Garden Unit.

The unit can be used on any system that has water lines sized .1/2 inch and up to 1 inch on the Large Garden.  Connect to Garden water source such as between the garden hose bib and hose.

Made of Stainless Steel

Medium MGD
Two built in 1/2 inch NP


Small: 2.5 inches/6.35 cm (L) x 3 inches/7.6 cm (Diam.) Wt. 2.0 pounds

Medium: 3.6 inches/9.1 cm (L) x 3 inches/7.6 cm (Diam.) Wt. 2.4 lbs.

Large: 6.9 inches / 17.5cm (L) X 3 inches / 7.6 cm (Diam.) Wt. 3.2 lbs.

Can also be installed to work with any Under Sink application, RV water system, Hot Tub circulating system or any other pressurized system with pipes sized .1/2” and under.

Available in Small, Medium or Large

All Products include a 90 Day Money Back Guarantee and
9 Year Warranty 

Please note that these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.