What is Structured Water?

Structured Water: Simply Nature's Water

As water flows through pipes, it loses its natural structure and energy due to friction and electrolysis. By the time it reaches your home, it lacks the life force energy found in natural sources like rivers.

Structured Water is life-giving, energized water whose molecules have been balanced and reorganized through natural spin motion as found in nature, like in a mountain stream.

Travelling very short distance through the Structured Water Devices, water is made balanced and coherent, optimally energized and also set free as nature intended it. Structured Water is hydrating, energizing, preserving, and strengthening from a newly-created aerobic environment.

Our All New Structured Water Devices

Clayton’s recent research and experience have led to the development of a nature-mimicking, optimized water structuring method. Medical research highlights the significance of this achievement, showing that an organism’s health directly reflects the quality of the water within and around its cells. Specifically, the organization of water molecules into symmetrical crystalline structures (coherence) and the energy they contain are crucial factors.

By maximizing energy production, water the Structuring Devices created By Clayton Nolte produce highly energized Structured Water. Thus, water’s potential biological worthiness is fulfilled, and it becomes fulfilling for all life.

Drinking Structured Water is Highly Energizing, Naturally.

Years after leaving Natural Action Technologies (the company Clayton founded and passionately grew for 10 years), Clayton has put his retirement aside to bring forth a new and improved highly energized water structuring technology.

“This discovery is too good to just keep it to myself and not share this new technology with as many people and animals as I can reach. SWCBC Technology is all natural, no electricity, no magnets, No processing other than to pour water through the unit. Experience water as mother nature intended. As close to source as you can get. Fresh, pure, and deliciously hydrating for your body. You will feel the difference.

Clayton Nolte

The Uniqueness of Highly Energized Structured Water

As compared to unstructured water and filtered water with lower energy levels, highly energized Structured Water offers peak performance, power, efficiency and results. Highly energized Structured Water has more available biophotonic (life force) energy, oxygen, hydrogen and other biologically beneficial constituents; moves faster through the system and while doing so, has a more accelerating effect on the cells and is quicker delivering nutrients and flushing out waste/biologically inappropriate elements; and  is superior in the effectiveness with which non-beneficial minerals, TDS (total dissolved solids) discoloration and odor are remediated.

Structured Water Portable Unit

The Water Structuring Process

The Water Structuring Process in Nature

The working part of the water structuring unit is the water itself passing over a series of precision-engineered elements as it travels through a precision-engineered chamber. The travel creates an environment within the unit, that allows the water to clean itself, as happens in Nature, under the right conditions. Under those conditions the water flows at maximum velocity in specific geometrical patterns– balanced left and right rotating multi-directional spins that form vortexes. The velocity and spinning action that is created in the structuring unit were calibrated to reach the perfect speed for the perfect dynamic of change and maximum results.

Increase in the Hydrogen Bond Angle

The movement of the rushing spinning water molecules builds biophotonic energy (life force energy) oxygen and hydrogen. The increase in hydrogen ions establishes a natural pH level of a balanced 7.2 –7.5, which is considered “alkaline”. A “Mechanism of Change” The thrashing movements associated with the high speed spinning, relocates the hydrogen atoms. They are shifted to a position that creates an increase in the angle at which they connect to the oxygen atoms. Specifically, an increase to 600. The union of 2 structured hydrogen atoms to a single oxygen atom, produces a hydrogen bond angle of 1200 ( 600 + 600).

It can be noted that, the bond angle for water that classifies as Structured Water, varies between 114.50 degrees, for water that is minimally structured and 120 degrees, for water that is optimally structured. A bond of angle of 114.5 degree or larger is needed for immediate passage through the cell membrane wall. Hydrogen atoms exist in everything and are foundational building blocks. Consequently, when hydrogen atoms shift position, there is instant and radical displacement of the associated molecules. The displacement that happens during the Structuring Event, instantly changes the physical characteristics of the water molecules.

The physical characteristics match up with underlying energy patterns. Thus the changes in the molecule’s physical, triggers changes in the underlying energies. Molecular displacement similarly impacts the physical characteristics and energies of water borne chemicals and physical matter.

Hydrogen Bond Angle

Hydrogen Bond Angle

The Structured Energy Pattern of Water

The Structured Energy Pattern of Water: Let There Be Light

“The Structured Energy pattern of water is a formulation that is zero point perfection. Structured hydrogen is coherent energy. It is hydrogen in perfection. Structured hydrogen changes everything it comes in contact with so that their hydrogen atoms are also brought into perfection. Thus, all things that come in contact with Structured Water are brought back to the perfection of Nature’s life-affirming design.”

Clayton Nolte

Result from the Increase in the Hydrogen Bond: Water Softened, Naturally.

The surface tension (viscosity) of the water molecule is returned to natural level, thereby undoing the hardening effects of its travel though plumbing lines and city filtration/purification systems. (It is due to reduced surface tension, that Structured Water does not form a bubble and remain on a slippery smooth surface, such as a newly waxed car and instead slides off.) Water’s travel through plumbing lines and filtration/purification systems also causes water molecules to gather in large disorganized groups, or “clusters” of low energy molecules. The change in the hydrogen bond angle and consequential molecular displacement, causes the large clusters to reassemble into smaller high-energy clusters of 6 molecules (Hexagonal Water). The reassembly reflects water’s innate drive to be in the original balanced condition that Nature intended. Each 6 molecule cluster resembles a symmetrical 6-pointed crystalline star. Thus, the water molecules regain their innate configuration, which is exactly right for immediate passage through the cell membrane and instant hydration of the cells.

Water Borne Elements

The molecular displacement and energetic changes deconstruct physical and chemical elements into dust-like particles. Those elements are taken out of solution and free of the underlying energies or qualities, which would make them absorbable or able to adhere to each other and other physical matter.

Water Softness

The water’s natural softness (46 Dynes) is restored as a result of the reduced surface tension and cluster size, cleared memory and the restructuring of minerals. The abundance of photonic energy also makes Structured Water softer feeling than ordinary water. As a result of the processes that occur during the Structuring Event, the energy pattern underlying the water molecule is redefined to reflect energies that are entirely life-giving and an array of properties that make it fully prepared to perform efficiently at every task. Concurrently, the physical characteristics of the water molecules change to reflect the hydrogen bond angle of 120o , 6 molecule cluster size and underlying coherent balanced energies.

Sacred Geometry Has to Do With Everything

 “Sacred Geometry has to do with everything. It IS everything. Basically this unit helps water to go back to its perfect structure that it has in nature. Structured water has a life force energy. Anything good for life is carried on the outside of the water molecule and easily assimilated. Anything not good for life is pulled to the inside of the molecule and shielded. So life becomes the filter, passing through and going back into nature. Structured water has a balanced spin of left and right rotating fields. The more balanced the spins, the more equal, the more pure the structure. Living water in its natural state has the same balanced left and right rotating fields. All I’ve done is create an environment so water can remember its natural state.”

Clayton Nolte