Structured Water in Agriculture

Structured Water and The World of Agriculture

Structured Water profoundly affects plants and animals in horticulture and agriculture. The research reported here extends back to Clayton’s 1st generation units, which were mostly sold and researched by his former company, Natural Action Technologies. Reports based on use the New Structured Water Unit, will be added to this page as they become available. If you have any questions contact us and Clayton will be happy to answer any questions. We hope you enjoy our site and take a moment to drop us a line.

The Benefits Of Farming With Structured Water

  • Plants thrive with biophoton structured water
  • A higher percent of seeds sprout
  • Plants mature quicker
  • Leaves and fruit are larger
  • Flowers produce more blossoms with brighter colors
  • In my experiments, yields increased by 7% to 10%
  • In tests on strawberries and corn, brix increased by 25%
  • In corn silage, biophoton structured water produced a higher Relative Feed Value, worth $75/acre
  • Since nutrient uptake is increased, plants require less fertilizer
  • Plants are healthier, making them more resistant to insects and disease
  • Fruit and vegetable shelf life is increased
  • Produce tastes better, attracting a better market

Strawberry Fields and PHOTONIC Structured Water

Distributor Adam reported on an experiment in California


Increase Agricultural Yield up to 30% with Structured Water.

Water that is structured via the use of a Natural Action Garden Unit reaches crops in a state of lowered surface tension making it readily absorbable.Efficient absorption means that a smaller volume of water is required to hydrate plants, saving you money.Independent tests have confirmed that crop yield on non-GMO plants is significantly greater (up to 30%).Structuring water changes its state energetically.

This improved energetic state makes it difficult for free radicals and chemicals to bond with the water on a molecular level. Pollutants are eliminated on an energetic level.

Natural Action structured water filtration units work with out filters (although they can be used if the need arises), without chemicals or salts, without electricity, without magnets, and without any moving mechanical parts.With Natural Action Technologies Structured Water units, water stays structured for 300 feet.It is easy to put our units inline with your existing irrigation system. Pivot Systems included (See Images above)

The Life Force Energy of Structured Water

Most people don’t consider the immeasurable miles that water travels in straight pipelines to reach your city, business or home. The problem with this process is when water is forced into a conduit the fluid isn’t able to move or twist. Unfortunately, this kind of water is “dead.”

When water runs in a straight line for 300 feet or more, it becomes dead with absolutely no energy. So, by the time piped water reaches your home, it is lifeless. Thus, your water is missing the life force energy that it would naturally have if it were found in a river.

Think about this: you may have asked about the 300-foot rule a couple of times. The 300-foot rule is when water is running straight through man-made pipe, after 300 feet it goes dead. It’s running, moving, okay the moment the water stops moving and is connected to the structured water, in that 300 foot of pipe, all the water that’s connected both forward and backward will instantaneously be structured. Even if that pipe were to circle the globe, it would instantaneously be structured. That is the truth of entrainment and another aspect of entrainment is that the life force energy in that pipe creates a field effect of 1,000 feet in all directions. You’ll see this on Adam Abraham’s video of strawberry fields.

Quantum Energetics and the Field Effect

There are other curious effects of structured water deserving of fascination and study. For example, early in the observation of strawberry field growth, it was noted that structured water had the ability to increase strawberry plant growth even though neighboring plants received no water.

Was there some message that structured water gave to the other “dry” plants, off of the plants that were being watered? Or was it that structured water emits such a real energetic field that the “dry” plants increased in growth just by a quantum field effect of proximity? These are intriguing questions to be observed and answered with further study.

More on Structured Water and Agriculture

The following are reports on findings using Clayton’s 1 st Generation Structured Water Unit.

Reports based on use the New Structured Water Created By Clayton, will be added to this page as they become available.

The Word From the Farm

Susan Decker from Blue Star Farms using Natural Action Technologies

Susan describing her experience using Natural Action Technologies Structured Water Devices with Blue Star Farms

Clayton's Experience: Structured Water & Roses

The following are reports on findings using Clayton’s 1 st Generation Structured Water Unit.


Clayton’s Roses Before and After Structured Water

When Clayton Nolte first moved to Arizona, he put the structured water “Large Garden Unit” (Home Unit w/ Garden Connectors) to the test on his rose bushes. Living in Arizona where spring starts a little earlier, he began to water the roses on a weekly schedule starting in late March while it was still cool out during the day. On April 28, 2012 he was already getting some roses as you can see in the picture, so he decided to begin watering every day. With daily watering, everything just went nuts!

Nine days after starting to water daily, on May 6, 2012 (see pictures below) the rose bushes were exploding like fireworks with amazing color. and the sweetest aroma!

Structured Water Garden for 2024

I have demonstrated the science, created multiple structured water gadgets, and developed cutting-edge technologies. There is More To Do. I am here to teach anyone that wants to learn about the benefits and uses of Structured Water.

At Structured Water Created By Clayton, our mission is to provide innovative and sustainable engineering solutions that meet the needs of our clients while protecting the environment and enhancing the quality of life through improvement of water quality benefiting not only your family but your community at large, Serving for communities around the world.

“When we understand that our innate life blood and Structured Water are one and the same—and both are the truth of Nature – we then know we are standing in the doorway to fulfill our Destiny.

We are in the Grace of Receivership.”

Chad Wall, Regenerative Agriculture Specialist from Natural Eco Restoration

Regenerative Agriculture Specialist from Natural Eco Restoration talks about the benefits for farmers using structured water units We have produced exceptional results for People, Plants, and the Planet. 

Structured Water Saves Money & Regenerates Agricultural Land

Chad talks about the cost saving benefits that are a direct result of using structured water on his farm in Texas. For more information about Restorative Agriculture and to contact Chad directly.